Interdisciplinary Research Center

Founded on October 21, 2016, the Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC) of GIIT aims at promoting academic studies in translation and interpreting(T&I), as a response to the fact that interdisciplinarity is playing an increasingly bigger role in academia, industry and society and is raising more demanding requirements for high quality professional language services.

Leveraging the unique strengths in linguistic studies of its host university and GIIT‘s experience in training high-calibre professional translators and interpreters, it is designed to be a hub for interdisciplinary studies in T&I, academic fields closely relevant to T&I, involving but not limited to economics, cognitive sciences, neurological studies, law, management sciences, financing, etc., and professional development for translators and interpreters.

IRC has focused its pioneering efforts in T&I and artificial intelligence, neurological aspects of T&I, and cognitive process of T&I. Its team comprises full-time researchers, visiting and guest fellows from other countries, industry leaders and government officials.

Established as a joint flagship initiative of Chinese and Swiss academic communities, IRC works with a wide range of home and international partners, such as Institute of Linguistics SISU, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Peter Lang, Consulate-general of Switzerland in Shanghai, Swissnex, CIUTI, University of Geneva, IUED Institute of Translation and Interpreting at the ZHAW, University of Fribourg, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Dokumente ohne Grenzen D.O.G., etc.

The center organizes annual seminars and conferences on T&I interdisciplinary studies in order to find more common grounds where translation, interpreting or intercultural mediation is a focus of interest for scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers.

The center offers (post-)doctoral programs as well as tailor-made programs in interdisciplinary studies of T&I and T&I pedagogies.